Europêche showcases sustainably caught seafood in the European Parliament

The European fishing sector, represented by Europêche, together with the Chairman of the Fisheries Committee, Alain Cadec Member of the European Parliament (MEP), co-hosted a successful Seafood Showcase reception yesterday evening in the European Parliament. The event, attended by MEPs, EU officials and stakeholders showcased fisheries products from all across Europe detailing the sustainable way in which they were caught. Attendees celebrated the significant progress in achieving sustainable fisheries in the EU.
President of Europêche, Javier Garat outlined the value of this event for the European fishing sector, stating: "Our aim at this event is to display products freshly caught by our own fishermen from across Europe. We want people to know more about the fish they eat and the good state of the species served. This is why we teamed up with the Chairman of the Fisheries Committee, Alain Cadec to offer a wide range of delicious fish to sample, including bluefin tuna, hake, albacore, tropical tuna, herring, plaice and Norway lobsters[1], all of which come from sustainable fisheries."
Garat emphasized the efforts made by the fishing industry, adding: “Our fishermen are very proud of the work that they do to contribute to the growing world demand for healthy seafood. We rely on policy-makers to take into account their views and concerns to ensure a sustainable fishing industry as well as healthy stocks. At the end of the day, it is the fishermen who have to implement the rules that are made here so they have to be effective and ensure the sustainable exploitation of fisheries. Science and common sense must form the basis of all the policies that are made here to ensure our fishing communities continue to thrive for the generations to come."
Europêche represents the fisheries sector in Europe. Currently, the Association comprises 15 national organisations of fishing enterprises from the following 10 EU Member States: DE, DK, ES, FR, IT, MT, NL, LV, PL, UK.
Press contacts: Daniel Voces, Acting Managing Director of Europêche: +
[1] The Bluefin tuna provided by Balfegó was carefully prepared by the sushi-chef, Ms Adriana Baño; hake and albacore fished one by one were contributed by Lugo Producer Organisation; tasty Nephros and plaice were contributed by VisNed; MSC herring was offered by PFA; certified canned yelowfin tuna was provided by OPAGAC and MSC cod from AGARBA. The food was carefully prepared by our catering service ‘ComoComo’ restaurant. As a perfect companion for this seafood, premium quality Spanish red and white wine from the winery Martúe was served to attendees.
Sources: Europeche
Tags: Showcase, Cadec, MEP, stocks, TAC, Hake, herring, Cod, nephrops, bluefin, tropical tuna, plaice, albacore, MSY