Position & Letters 2022

10/08/22 - Europêche position paper CITES blue shark
Blue shark (Prionace glauca) does not meet CITES listing criteria. Europêche opposes the inclusion of blue shark in Appendix II of CITES

11/05/22 - Letter with NGOs on Action Plan on Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters to ensure that Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)
In the review of the 15-Point Action Plan on the Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters of EU FTAs, we ask the European Commission to emphasise the requirement for the EU to create binding and enforceable mechanisms to ensure that the stipulations of the chapter on IUU fishing are properly respected and implemented by the non-EU countries concerned.
Position & Letters 2021
Position & Letters 2020

17/03/21 - 9 November - Social Partners Letter to Commissioner Sinkevičius on Fishing Capacity
Calling the European Commission to organise with EU Social Partners on Sea Fisheries an in depth discussion on the entry/exit schemes and the fishing capacity measurements and their social impact.

17/03/21 - 9 November - Social Partners Resolution on human rights & labour abuses in certain Asian fishing fleets
A joint resolution on human rights & labour abuses in certain Asian fishing fleets, which calls the European Commission to take appropriate measures to counter the unacceptable and documented human rights and labour abuses on certain Asian fishing fleets.

30/06/20 - 2 June - Letter to Ms Vitcheva
Welcome to the new Director-General for DG MARE and meeting request from Europêche

30/06/20 - 27 June - Letter to to Commissioner Sinkevičius
On the implementation of the Western Mediterranean Multiannual Plan

30/06/20 - 23 June - Social Partners letter West Africa
Letter to the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire and the Republic of Senegal asking for help and cooperation in facilitating the COVID-19 testing and transfers of fishermen as essential workers across the continent.

30/06/20 - 30 June - Fishing Industry presentation for Charlina Vitcheva DG MARE Director General
Introduction to new DG MARE Director General Charlina Vitcheva

17/04/20 - 17 April - Joint letter with EAPO to Coreper Chairman Mr Štefanić
Fisheries Control System revision

17/04/20 - 16 April - Joint Social Partners Resolution
EU Sectoral Social Dialogue on Sea Fisheries Joint Resolution on the need of a strong social dimension in the CFP

17/04/20 - 16 April - Social Partners letter to Ms Veits
Social Partners suggestions for future STECF social data in the EU fisheries sector study

14/04/20 - 10 April - Social Partners letter to Ms Veits
Follow-up letter on the free movement of fishermen

06/04/20 - 3 April - Joint letter with EAPO to Commissioner Sinkevičius
EU support to fisheries sector in the COVID-19 crisis

06/04/20 - 27 March - Social Partners letter to Ms Veits
Social Partners in the fisheries sector urgently calls for special regulatory measures and actions to secure the free circulation of fishermen

06/04/20 - 14 March - Letter to Commissioner Sinkevičius
COVID-19 disruption of fishing and market activities

06/04/20 - 17 March - Joint letter with EAPO to DG MARE - European Commission
Industry response impact of COVID-19 on the fishery sector
Position & Letters 2019

13/11/19 - EP34 Joint Resolution EU Social Partners in Sea Fisheries on the socio-economic impact of the EU landing obligation
The EU Social Partners in Sea Fisheries – ETF and Europêche – adopted a joint resolution on the socio-economic impact of the EU landing obligation on the fishing industry. The regulation on the landing obligation was adopted in 2015 and has been gradually implemented since then. It aims at reducing the unwanted catch by obliging fishing operators to land (bring to shore) all caught fish. On one hand, it is supposed to allow for better monitoring of the use of fishing quotas, and on the other, it should incentivise the operators to invest in more selective gear. However, the landing obligation was introduced without any prior impact assessment of the socio-economic and safety consequences. It is already evident that the measure poses several concerns regarding the well-being of the fishers and economic performance of the sector. This is why the EU Social Partners agreed to call on the European Commission to revise the EU landing obligation so that it is consistent with other legal in

08/04/19 - EP12 Letter to Permanent Representatives - CITES shark
The European fishing industry, represented by Europêche, recognises the work of CITES concerning marine species to ensure that the international trade does not threaten their survival. However, simultaneously, the work and instruments already defined and implemented for this purpose by Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs), governments, and the sector itself needs to be respected. In this vein, when it comes to highly migratory stocks that number in their millions and where trans-boundary management arrangements are already in place, the fishing industry fails to understand the need for additional CITES measures. Therefore, the sector opposes the inclusion of shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) in Appendix II of CITES in view of the arguments hereunder.
Position & Letters 2018

11/12/18 - EP62 Social Partners position on ATQs
In view of the ongoing Council negotiations of the new set of autonomous tariff quotas (ATQs), the EU Social Partners would like to express great concern over the potential quota increase of zero-duties imports of fishery products which would have a major socio-economic impact for the European fishing sector.

11/12/18 - EP14 Letter on ATQs
In view of the preparation of the new set of autonomous quotas that will replace those established in Regulation 2015/2265, we would like to send you some important remarks which are of major concern for the European fishing industry.

12/02/18 - EP85 Letter to Commissioner Vella IUCN red list - Bluefin Tuna
The IUCN Red List is recognized as one of the most authoritative guide to the status of biological diversity. Back in 2011 the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) was listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as endangered and therefore included in the Red List of Threatened Species. This decision was exclusively adopted on the basis of IUCN's own scientific data and criteria. We have recently learned that, after almost 10 years of lack of updated scientific advice by IUCN, this body has the intention to revise the global status of the 61 tuna fish stocks altogether in the coming years. Of course, the industry would like to put the focus on the Bluefin Tuna in view of the current extremely negative assessment sustained by this environmental organisation.
Position & Letters 2017

12/01/18 - EP80 Letter to Council Presidency - Eel ban
The Commission has recently proposed a ban to fish for European eel (Anguilla anguilla) of an overall length of 12 cm or longer in Union waters of the ICES area and in the Baltic Sea and distributed a proposal for a common declaration on further measures including bans of fisheries in lakes and rivers.

04/10/17 - The EU must ensure high standards for all fish sold in the EU
Linnéa Engström, Member of the European Parliament, and Europêche, representing the fisheries sector in Europe, call on the EU Commission to make commitments on control and imports of fish at Our Ocean conference in Malta this week. We believe that the Commission needs to work out more effective EU-wide rules to ensure that only fish meeting high social and environmental standards can enter the EU market, as well as a better implementation of the EU control regime in general.

08/09/17 - EP57 Snow crab letter to MEPs final
Letter concerning the new developments in the snow crab fishing conflict between EU and Kingdom of Norway in Svalbard

24/02/17 - EU Social Partners in the fisheries sector recommendations for the trilogue discussions on the Regulation on the sustainable management of external fishing fleets, repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1006/2008
The EU fishing industry endorses the opportunity offered by this proposal to review the existing regulation, in order to further promote simplification, improve governance, align the text with the Control and IUU Regulations, better monitoring and enforcement of rules. However, there is a need to strike the right balance between the sustainable management of fishing activities outside Union waters and the need for solid and speedy administrative procedures. In view of the general approach agreed by the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 28th June 2016 and the European Parliament (EP) legislative resolution on the proposal dated 2nd February 2017, the EU Social Partners are pleased to provide hereafter some comments for the upcoming trilogue discussions.

24/01/17 - Europeche letter on Technical Measures Regulation
Following the recent legislative developments, Europêche and EAPO feel the urgency to inform the co-legislators about the EU fishing industry opinion on the draft Technical Conservation Regulation. We hereby inform you about our immediate concerns and observations regarding the development of the Regulation.
Position & Letters 2016

09/12/16 - Europeche&EAPO Position Paper on Fishing Opportunities 2017
The Commission Proposal COM(2016) 698 published on the 27th of October 2016 contains the proposals to the Council in relation to the setting of fishing opportunities for the majority of demersal and some pelagic stocks for 2017. As usual many TACs and quotas are shown with the reference ‘pm’ and between the publication and the decisive Council of Ministers in December, the missing data are being retrieved. The fishing industry keeps track of this development and awaits the last possible moment just before the Council meeting to finalize this communication to the Member State ministers responsible for fisheries.

01/12/16 - Europeche position on the proposal for a Regulation on the sustainable management of external fishing fleets
The European Commission (EC) has proposed a new Regulation on Fishing Authorisation Rights (FAR) as part of the REFIT programme. While the purpose of this proposal is to align the text with the Lisbon Treaty as well as the Control and IUU Regulations; it also aims to modernise, harmonise and simplify the current system. In this sense, the responsibilities of the EU, Member States (MS) and operators will be properly defined avoiding duplication of effort and resources. The proposal has also extended the scope of applicability in order to guarantee a comprehensive legal framework regulating the EU's long distance fleet activities. In view of the general approach agreed by the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 28th June 2016 and the Draft Report from the European Parliament dated 1st August 2016, Europêche is pleased to provide hereafter some comments and amendments to improve the content of the EC proposal.

21/09/16 - Social Partners Declaration in The Hague
ETF and Europêche, EU level social partners in the fisheries sector, organised, in the framework of an EU co-funded project, a seminar on ‘The promotion of the ratification of ILO work in fishing Convention by EU member states’ which took place in The Hague on 14 April 2016 and adopted the following declaration

21/09/16 - European Social Partners request for a Questions and Answers document on ILO C188
We are writing to you in relation to the social partners’ agreement (SPA) on the implementation into EU legislation of the ILO Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (C188), which is currently being discussed at the European Council’s Working Party on Social Affairs.

21/09/16 - Letter to Member States over social partners’ agreement on Work in Fishing
We are writing to you in relation to the social partners’ agreement (SPA) on the implementation into EU legislation of the ILO Work in Fishing Convention (C188), which is currently being discussed by the Council’s working party on social questions.

21/09/16 - Presentation and achievements of the sectoral social dialogue committee for sea fisheries
Under the provisions of the TFEU, the Commission is responsible for promoting and facilitating the European social dialogue. In 1974, the Commission set up the joint committees, one being dedicated to the social affairs in sea fisheries.

21/09/16 - Europêche recomendation on regulation on the sustainable management of external fishing fleets
The European Commission (EC) has proposed a new Regulation on Fishing Authorisation Rights (FAR) as part of the REFIT programme. While the purpose of this proposal is to align the text with the Lisbon Treaty as well as the Control and IUU Regulations; it also aims to modernise, harmonise and simplify the current system.

21/09/16 - Europêche response on fishing opportunities for 2017
Europêche, the Association of National Organisations of Fishery Enterprises in the European Union, was founded in 1962 and is regarded as the most important EU-wide representative of the catching sector.

21/09/16 - Fishing Opportunities 2017 for Western Baltic Cod
ICES advice will provide the basis for the Commission's proposal on fishing opportunities in the Baltic region for 2017 which will be published in the autumn. The Council will then decide the final fishing possibilities in October.

21/09/16 - Letter to Vella on on good environmental status
As you know, the European Commission is currently drafting a revision of the GES Decision 2010/477/EU laying down criteria and methodological standards on good environmental status (GES) and specifications and standardised methods for monitoring and assessment.

21/09/16 - Cod Recovery Plan
First and foremost we want to thank you again for your explanation and favourable discussions with industry representatives in Brussels on 27 April 2016. We appreciate your willingness to listen to our opinions.

21/09/16 - EU fishing sector position on revision of good environmental status decision
The European Commission is drafting a revision of the GES Decision 2010/477/EU laying down criteria and methodological standards on good environmental status (GES) and specifications and standardised methods for monitoring and assessment.

21/09/16 - Letter to Mrs. Veits on NAFO working group
During the meeting of the NAFO working group tasked with evaluating strategies for Greenland halibut management, which took place in the Faroe Islands on 4th-6th April, there was a difference of opinion regarding the scientific studies examining this evaluation.

21/09/16 - Follow-up letter to Pierre Moscovici - Union Customs Code
As you are aware, in accordance with the new regulations (Implementing Acts (EU Regulations 2446/2015 and 2447/2015)), from 1st May 2016, the proof of the customs status of Union goods for sea-fishing products caught by EU vessels and transhipped in a 3 rd country territory, shall be provided by means of a printout of the fishing logbook, accompanied by a certification issued by the customs authority of that country evidencing that the products were under customs supervision and have undergone no handling other than necessary for their preservation.

21/09/16 - Support to EC proposal on mercury
The European fishing industry has been following with great interest the revision process of the EC Regulation No. 1881/2006 as regards the establishment of a new regulatory framework for the control of mercury in food.

21/09/16 - Letter to Pierre Moscovici - Union Customs Code
On behalf of the European fishing industry, we are writing to inform you about a serious problem facing the EU long distance fishing fleets concerning the effective implementation of the new rules contained in the Commission Delegated Regulation 2446/2015 and Commission Implementing Regulation 2447/2015 supplementing and laying down detailed rules for implementing certain provisions of the UCC.

21/09/16 - Letter to Commissioner Arias Canete
As you are well aware, ministers met today for the Foreign Affairs Council to discuss the issue of climate diplomacy, following the global agreement on climate change reached in Paris at the end of last year. The aim of the Council is to approve a plan of action on how to implement the objectives of the agreement.

21/09/16 - Letter on shark embargo
On behalf of the European fishing industry, we are writing to inform you about an extremely serious problem faced by the EU surface longline fishing fleets concerning the embargo on consignments containing shark fins and/or other shark-related products.

21/09/16 - Letter to Machado - Fisheries Partnership Agreements licenses
On behalf of the members of Europêche, we would like to draw your attention to the worrying latest developments concerning the implementation of certain Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements, particularly Senegal, Madagascar, Guinea Bissau and Comoros.

21/09/16 - Europêche comments on the Regulation establishing a Community control system
The Control Regulation (EU 1224/2009) should not be considered in isolation since it is essentially concerned with the control and enforcement of other EU regulations relating to the management of the fishing industry. It ensures all rules are applied in a harmonised manner across the EU, that fishery products can be fully traced through the supply chain and that fishermen operate on a level playing field.

21/09/16 - Europêche comments on the sustainable management of external fishing fleets
The European Commission (EC) has recently proposed a new Regulation on Fishing Authorisation Rights (FAR) as part of the REFIT programme. While the purpose of this proposal is to align the text with the Lisbon Treaty as well as the Control and IUU Regulations; it also aims to modernise, harmonise and simplify the current system. In this sense, the responsibilities of the EU, Member States (MS) and operators will be properly defined avoiding duplication of effort and resources.

21/09/16 - Briefing note on Multi-annual Management Plans
Multi-annual Management Plans will be the principal vehicle for the delivery of CFP objectives in the years ahead. As such, it is of paramount importance that they are well designed, workable, absorb the lessons learned from the past, and fit well within the wider context of the CFP and the EU’s international obligations.

21/09/16 - Letter S. Depypere - Mauritania 2016
We are writing to you to express our support to the Pelagic Freezer Trawler Association who have written to you on 1st January this year. As you are now aware, following the new protocol under the EU‐Mauritania Fisheries Partnership Agreement, the European fishing sector started to prepare itself to return to fishing in Mauritanian waters.
Position & Letters 2015

Response to PEW
Thank you for your response to our open letter on the divergence between Pew’s March report Turning the Tide and the authoritative scientific view.
Tags: PEW ICES MSY Turning the Tide

Fixes for choke species: a view from the fishing industry
Following work with the North Sea Advisory Council and other bodies, fishing sector representatives considered possible solutions to the so-called ‘choke species’ problem. This paper summarises their conclusions.

Response FROM PEW
I would like to respond to your letter of November 11th in wich you drew attention to the importance of implementing the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) ant to the contents of Turning the Tide.
Tags: CFP ICES STECF PEW Turning the Tide

Open Letter to Commissioner Vella on ATQs
In view of the upcoming discussions to be held tomorrow within the Council of the EU Working Group on ATQs for certain fisheries products for the period 2016 to 2018, we would like to send you some important remarks which are of major concern for the European fishing industry.
Tags: ATQ tuna EU fishing

Open Letter to PEW Charitable Trusts
In March of this year Pew Charitable Trusts published a report Turning the Tide: Ending Overfishing in North Western Europe.
Tags: PEW Turning the Tide CFP ICES

Response to the Public Consultation on International Ocean Governance
Below you can find a sound and science-based response to the public consultation on International Ocean Governance. The European fishing industry believes it would not be wise to have a new overarching body at UN level or another layer of legislation to sustainably govern our oceans.

Europêche position against regulating deep sea fishing by depth
A recent report 'A Scientific Basis for Regulating Deep-Sea Fishing by Depth1 ' finds that there is a depth beyond which fisheries cannot be expected to operate in an economically and ecologically sustainable way.

Letter to the Joint Research Centre on Marine Strategy Framework Directive Descriptors 1&2
On behalf of the Europêche, the representative body for fishermen in the European Union representing around 45,000 vessels, both artisanal and large scale, 80,000 fishermen and counting 13 member organisations from 9 European countries, we would like to inform you about the EU fishing industry concerns regarding the closed-doors workshops that are being organised by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy on 7-11 September 2015.

Letter to Commissioner Vella
On behalf of all the members of Europêche, I would like to extend my appreciation for your participation in our General Assembly on 14th July. Your open and honest dialogue with our sector representatives was very much welcomed and we are greatly looking forward to a positive future collaboration with you and your services.

Letter Mr Fernand Etgen on Deep Sea
On behalf of the Europêche, the representative body for fishermen in the European Union representing around 45,000 vessels, both artisanal and large scale, 80,000 fishermen and counting 13 member organisations from 9 European countries, we would like to inform you about the EU fishing industry concerns regarding the Presidency’s proposal on the deep sea regulation.
Tags: deep sea 800 metres ban

Deep Sea Position Paper 2015
Europêche agrees with the European Commission that the general objective of the proposal must be to ensure the sustainable exploitation of deep-sea stocks while reducing the environmental impact of these fisheries and to improve the information which is the basis for scientific assessments.
Tags: North-East Atlantic deep sea Stock

Europêche position on Tuna FAD Free commercialisation
Europêche, the main representative body speaking for the European fishing industry, would like to bring to your attention the current fraudulent labelling on tuna by certain operators which are making false claims on the way it has been caught. In fact, several tuna products appearing on the EU market are falsely claiming to have been caught without the use of fish aggregating devices (FADs).
Tags: FAD fishing industry EU market

Letter to Vella -Public Consultation on international ocean governance
We are writing to you regarding the recent European Commission public consultation on international ocean governance published on 4th June 2015.

Implementation of the Landings Obligation
Members of EAPO – supported in this by Europêche – are in an exclusive position in relation to the implementation of the landings obligation and are more relevant to this process than many other industry organisations.
Tags: Landings Obligation CFP safety

Invitation to the workshop “Addressing the restricted work mobility of seafarers"
The European social partners in the sea fisheries sector (Europêche, ETF and Cogeca) are delighted to invite you to attend a workshop organised jointly with the European Boating Industry to tackle the restricted work mobility of seafarers in Europe.
Tags: Social Dialogue etf cogeca

Multi-annual plan for the management of North Sea demersal fisheries
We believe it is of utmost importance that a multiannual plan for the North Sea demersal fisheries is adopted before 1 January 2019, when the landing obligation will be extended to all quota species. The current management system will be unworkable after this date.
Tags: North Sea demersal fisheries ICES

Europeans call on governments to do more to support the fishing industry
Europeans believe the fishing industry has a vital role to play in feeding a growing world population but have accused Governments of failing to do enough to support the sector, according to a survey of consumers spanning the continent.

Who Really Turned The Tide?
“The Pew Foundation has recently unveiled its report Turning the tide: Ending overfishing in Northwestern Europe which claims that the changes to end overfishing adopted at the last reform of the Common Fisheries Policy are being threatened by high quota allocations and short termism.
Tags: PEW MSY CFP Reform

Fishing at sea, a risky activity «by definition»?
Fishing is regarded by international bodies, governments and citizens as a hazardous activity and this indeed could be the case since most statistics reflect that injuries and fatalities are considerably higher than in other sectors, including construction. In fact, although the number of injuries has been dropping over the last few years, the fatality rate has remained steady.

Europêche comments on the Proposal for a Regulation laying down a prohibition on driftnet
After having analysed the Commission’s proposal, Europêche would like to express its concern over the ‘one size fits all’ nature of the Regulation. Whilst Europêche agrees with closing possible legislative loopholes in order to protect potential unauthorized catches, we are disappointed with the Commission’s decision to impose a blanket ban instead of tightening up the current legislation in place.

Europêche comments on multiannual plan for the stocks of cod, herring and sprat in the Baltic Sea
A management plan for the Baltic Sea cod stocks has been in place since 2007 but the stocks of herring and sprat have not yet been subject to a management plan. This has made it difficult to manage the fisheries in this area and has lead to unstable fishing opportunities.

Letter from Europeche on the real impact of activities on fisheries policy
We are writing to you on behalf of Europêche, the main representative body for the fishing sector in the European Union, representing 80,000 European fishermen and EAPO, the European Association of Fish Producers Organisations.

Europeche response to Regulation of autonomous tariff quotas for certain fisheries products
In reference to your letter dated 15th December 2014 regarding the regulation on trade-related measures aimed at ensuring the supply of certain products fishing processors in the EU, we would like to make the following observations.

Fishing Industry response to Committee of the Regions on Marine Strategy Framework Directive
The Committee of the Regions (CoR) is preparing an opinion on the protection of the Seas constituting an opinion and advice regarding the implementation of the MSFD.

Letter from Europeche & EAPO: The real impact of activities on fisheries policy
We are writing to you on behalf of Europêche, the main representative body for the fishing sector in the European Union, representing 80,000 European fishermen and EAPO, the European Association of Fish Producers Organisations.
Position & Letters 2014

Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for Fisheries comments on the Proposal for a Regulation laying down a prohibition on driftnet fisheries COM(2014)265
EU Social Partners in the fisheries sector comments on the Proposal for a Regulation laying down a prohibition on driftnet fisheries, amending Council Regulations (EC) No 850/98, (EC) No 812/2004, (EC) No 2187/2005 and (EC) No 1967/2006 and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 894/97

Open letter to UK Fisheries Minister George Eustice concerning the Council position on EU Deep-Sea Fisheries Regulation
Council position on EU Deep-Sea Fisheries Regulation

Open letter to Mr. Juncker: Social responsibilities in sea-fisheries; the role of the European Union
Social responsibilities in sea-fisheries; the role of the European Union

EU fishing sector demands responsible and committed future Commissioner
Open letter to Mr, Juncker future Commissioner

Damanaki response to open letter concerning her personal blog
Damanaki response to open letter concerning her personal blog

Open letter to Damanaki in response to her personal blog
Open letter to EU Commissioner Maria Damanaki

Europêche response to stakeholder consultation on seabed mining
In March 2014 the European Commission launched a stakeholder consultation on seabed mining. It comes as part of its Blue Growth strategy to support sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors as a whole.

Damanaki response to Europêche letter on the recovery of Blue fin Tuna stocks for the season of 2014
Damanaki response to Europêche letter on the recovery of Blue fin Tuna stocks for the season of 2014
Tags: damanaki blue fin tuna stocks

Letter to Maria Damanaki concerning the recovery of Blue fin Tuna stocks for the season of 2014
Recovery of Blue fin Tuna stocks for the season of 2014

Europêche comments on the driftnet regulation
Europêche comments on the Proposal for a Regulation laying down a prohibition on driftnet fisheries, amending Council Regulations (EC) No 850/98, (EC) No 812/2004, (EC) No 2187/2005 and (EC) No 1967/2006 and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 894/97

Letter on the Fisheries Regulation in the Maritime Zones of Svalbard
Europêche and Copa-Cogeca key points of concern regarding the current fisheries developments in the maritime zones of Svalbard
Tags: svalbard damanaki copa-cogeca fisheries

Europêche response to technical measures public consultation
Europêche response to the European Commission’s consultation on a new framework for technical measures in the reformed common fisheries policy

Letter to Greek Presidency on ILO C188 SPA
Letter to Mrs Bazoti-Mitsoni Head of Unit of the agricultural sector permanent representation of the Republic of Greece to the EU
Tags: Greek letters presidency europeche fisheries

Letter to Maria Damanaki concerning the adoption of the social clause
Social Clause to be inserted in the Sustainable Fisheries Agreements between the EU and third countries

Europêche, ETF and Cogeca joint comments on the Joint Communication for a European Union maritime security strategy
The text provides the main strategic maritime security interests of the EU, some of them have a direct impact on the fisheries sector such as the prevention of illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing as well as cross-border and organised crime.

Europêche comments on the landing obligation - Part 2
Key points of concern on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and Council on the landing obligation COM/2013/889 final - 2013/0436 (COD)

Europêche comments on the landing obligation
Europêche comments on the Proposal for a regulation amending the technical measures and control regulations to implement the landing obligation COM (2013) 889

Letter to Damanaki EU - Norway
Postponement of EU-Norway consultations on fishing opportunities for 2014