Euro-Moroccan fishing sector united to address court decision annulling EU-Morocco fisheries agreement

The Joint Euro-Moroccan Commission of Fishing Professionals [1] has met last week to jointly address the options and challenges posed by the ruling of the General Court of the EU that annuls the sustainable fisheries partnership agreement with Morocco. At this meeting, the operators from both sides spoke with one voice. Sector representatives reinstated their commitment to work together with all stakeholders and policy-makers to resolve the situation and prevent any damage to the industry, trade relationship and partnership between the two parties. The Euro-Moroccan Commission will be working on a declaration of intentions that conceptualizes the fishing sector’s vision to ensure that the good cooperation between Morocco and the EU in sustainable fisheries can continue in the future.
The Joint Euro-Moroccan Commission analysed the Court decision in depth, particularly the socio-economic consequences and trade disruptions that a possible fisheries partnership agreement annulment would bring about. All parties agreed on the positive role played by such agreement for both parties throughout the years, including the population of the Sahara, as well as its fundamental contribution to advance in the sustainable management of fishery resources. In this vein, the sector representatives considered crucial the continuation of a fisheries partnership between the EU-Morocco.
The meeting allowed industry representatives to review other major areas of common interest in which the EU and Morocco are working together, which include regional fisheries, governance and neighborhood policies.
The Joint Euro-Moroccan Commission announced a presential meeting early next year in Europe where they plan to present a roadmap for 2022.
Press contacts: Daniel Voces, Managing Director of Europêche: +32 2 230 48 48
- About the Joint EU-Moroccan Commission of Fishing Professionals
The Joint Euro-Moroccan Commission of Fisheries Professionals was created in February 2018 between the European fisheries organizations that are part of Europêche and by the Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Federation of Morocco (FPMA) in order to promote the business relations between both parties, propose measures to improve the fluidity of commercial exchanges and defend common interests. Since 2011 exists as well the Joint Spanish-Moroccan Commission of Fishing Professionals.
Sources: Europêche
Tags: Morocco, Fisheries Agreement, SFPA, socio-economic consequences, Sahara, resources, regional fisheries, governance, FMPA