Europêche présente du poisson issu de la pêche durable au Parlement européen.

Europêche et le président du comité des pêches, le député Alain Cadec, ont co-organisés leur seconde réception exposant des produits de la mer hier soir. L'évènement, assisté par le nouveau directeur général de DG MARE, Joao Aguiar Machado, a eu lieu dans le Parlement européen et présentait des produits de la mer de toute l'Europe, détaillant de quelle façon durable ils avaient été capturés.
President of Europêche, Javier Garat outlined the value of this event for the European fishing sector, stating: "We want people to know where their fish comes from and how it was caught. This is why we teamed up with the Chairman of the Fisheries Committee, Alain Cadec to offer a wide range of delicious fish to sample, including wild and farmed bluefin tuna from the Mediterranean, tropical tuna, Dutch herring and plaice, Italian clams and mussels, mackerel and Scottish langoustine from the North Sea, many of which are MSC-certified."
All the species served were accompanied with information detailing where and how the fish was caught, the Member States that target the stock and the stock status. Europêche believes in promoting responsible and sustainable fishing practices that not only protect the environment but preserve the fishing sector.
Garat emphasized the efforts made by the industry themselves to fish sustainably, adding: “Our fishermen meet some of the highest standards in the world and comply with a huge swathe of regulations to be able to meet demand for these healthy products. Our produce has come from well managed fisheries, fisheries certified by the MSC, from stocks that have seen their highest recruitment in the last decade and from fisheries that are piloting sustainability schemes, such as the use of non-entangling FADS and the use of electronic observers. This is real fishing; sustainable and healthy; essential if we are to meet growing demand."
The event was attended by Members of the European Parliament, the Council, Commission and Brussels stakeholders.
For further information, please contact: Kathryn Stack +32 2 230 48 48
Sources: Europeche
Tags: pêche, durabilité, Cadec, Aguiar, dg mare, parlement européen